Sizzling Summer Countdown - 5 FREE tips for getting SUMMER READY
I'm going to start by saying........I LOOOOVVEEE! watching my 600 lbs life. Not sure if it's because it makes me feel smaller or what but I'm obssessed with this show. This week I was watching the newest episode and the guy could not be weighed on the scale that would measure up to 800 pounds so he had to move to the bed scale and he weighed in at NINE HUNDRED AND NINTEEN POUNDS! Yes 919 pounds!
Outside of the alarm that there is someone this large for me seeing 919 makes me think of great thoughts and that's because 9/19 is my birthday so if you aren't aware go ahead and mark your calendar. I love birthday greetings LOL. Well when I saw that he was weighing in at 919 pounds I started to think about myself and if I was where I needed or wanted to be in terms of my health and wellness. Without spoiling the show in case you haven't watched it, it was a rough road, it's going to be a long journey but I commend the effort.
I'm sure that was a cliff hanger but that show lead me to the next show Fat Chance. This young lady had just run a marathon but was weighing in at 212 pounds and the trainer said that she was the fittest fat person that he had ever encountered. Her problem was how and what she ate. As I watched the show it made me think about myself. I will go in the gym and go hard but during times where I haven't meal prepped, planned or just decided to take a break from the entire process I see myself tend to gain weight, feel uncomfortable in my clothing or just struggle to get back on course.
Well today I'm in that exact place. I have on my winter fat suit and spring has sprung and I'm hoping to be sizzling by summer. Truth be told, if you stay the course there is no need to be trying to beat the clock and get back on track and be summer ready. If you are like me you need a plan so here are my top five FREE tips for being Sizzling by Summer!
1. Access where you are
You will never know where you want to go if you don't know where you are. Take this time to weigh on a scale, take body measurements, pose for your before picture or even try on those goal pants or dress so that you know where you are starting.
2. Create a plan
We often see ourselves in the itty bitty teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini BUT what are we doing about it. Let's move for seeing it and develop a plan for getting there. Let's take our sizzling summer goal From Vision to Victory.
3. Track your progress
While you should never fall victim to the scale, measuring tape of that pair of Levi's you do want to chart your journey. I was told from my Dr. Oz days "If you bite it, you must write it." I know, who has time to track what they have going on? It is shown that many people who are successful on this journey do well because they do things to chart their progress. Ways to do so are by using apps with My Fitness Pal or Fitbit and if you don't have a smart device you can take it back to basics and pull out that good old pen and paper.
4. Build a community
No man is an island and just because you are ready for this lifestyle change or are trying to get shorts, swimsuit or even crop top ready doesn't mean that your BFF is ready to. Find you a community of folk looking to accomplish the same goal as you. There are many groups on Facebook and people in your community that you can connect with for inspiration and motivation.
5. Be your own cheerleader
We often tap out when we don't have anyone in our corner cheering us on. You have to remember to be your own cheerleader. No one is going to support you the way that you do. People may miss our queues to cheer us on and if you are waiting on your cheering squad there is a chance that the squad may miss the game so remember that you are your biggest cheerleader and when the going get's tough find your chant and say it loud and proud!
So I've given these great tips......
but here is my plan for where I'm going and how I plan to get there AND! I'm going to expose myself with my good old starting weight so that you can help me chart my progress and I'm sizzling by summer!
- For the next 12 weeks I will commit to eating clean with no more than 12 cheat meals (not days) the entire time (1 per week/cheat meals can carried over from week to week)
- Meal prep will be performed each Sunday for the week's when I'm not traveling. While traveling I will continue to eat clean or cash in a cheat meal if desired.
- I will exercise 5 of 7 days a week even when traveling
- I will report my weight weekly on Wednesday offering before and after pictures throught the journey
- Summer starts on June 20th but I will report my final weight on Wednesday, June 22nd
If you really want to keep up with my follow me on Instragram where I post EVERYTHING!
Still waiting to see what the scale says? Drum roll please
Pic taken Saturday, March 20th by Antoine Winston