Eat Clean Class - Part 1

Eat Clean Class - Part 1

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During my journey for weight loss I was given some simple rules for weight loss and they had proven results.  I'm sure that you have read or heard this time and time again.  Today I will share with you what took me from an 18W all the way to a size 10 and leveling off at a 14. Yes my weight has gone up because just like the post says "it's a lifestyle, not a diet".  The occasional cheat, weight and HITT training changes the body and sometimes you build mass based on the bad food but you can even build body mass by gaining muscle but that's a post for another day.  Here is the "clean eating" plan that I've always followed:

Foods to eat:

  1. Lean meats and proteins
    • chicken, turkey, fish, beans, nuts, seeds & soy
  2. Fruits
  3. Vegetables
    • fresh & frozen ONLY
  4. 100% whole wheat
    • breads and flours
  5. 100% whole grains
    • rice, cereals, oats, etc.

Foods to avoid:

  1. Simple sugars and syrups (high fructose)
  2. Saturated Fats
  3. Trans Fats
  4. Enriched flours and all flours except 100% whole wheat

How do you avoid these foods? By avoiding processed food and reading labels

Getting started:

Dump your refrigerator: This will help eliminate temptation. Don't want to throw it away?  Find somewhere or someone to donate it to.

Plan:  What you will eat and consider meal prep to help you stay the course

Execute: During execution be sure to keep track of your plan by writing it down because if you bite it, you must write it

Along with some exercise this is the plan that has served me well but after seeing some of these girls in this Body by Maria Bikini contest and knowing where they started and seeing where they finished I think that I may need to go a bit farther with my actions.  Wondering what is giving people more belly fat reduction and even abs?  Check back in shortly for Eat Clean Class - The Cliff Notes Part 2.


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