Setup Sunday (Jar Salads)

Setup Sunday (Jar Salads)

Introducing Setup Sunday! What is Setup Sunday? Well first let's discuss setup, One day I was hanging out for a GNO with my friend @taminthegarden and it was BYOB while hanging out she mentioned we needed a "setup" so I asked what's that?  In this scenario it was things that you would need for your beverages so they provided ice, lemons, limes, cherries, stirrers, you get the picture.  They provided everything that you needed so that your beverage of choice was just right.

Well I also looked the word "setup" up in the dictionary and it was defined as follows:

noun  set·up  \ˈset-ˌəp\

  • : the process of making something ready to be used

  • : the way that something is done or organized

So that definition sounds just like what I'm looking for, we are going to choose Sunday's to get our food ready to use/eat, taking time to get ourselves organized.  If healthy living or weight loss is one of your goals well Setup Sunday will help you go #fromVISIONtoVICTORY.

This week's setup will be jar salads, I've been enjoying this craze for about a year now and depending on where I am in my health and wellness journey they are a part of daily life. Click here to see how i make one of my go to salads Apple Chicken Walnut.

If you are interested in making your own or need info on how your ingredients should be layered remember wet stuff on the bottom and tough skinned itmes in the middle and greens on the top and if this is still too vague, check out this picture below for a guide.

Photo courtesey of


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