Are you an Every Way Woman?

Are you an Every Way Woman?

I was recently asked to come to the RENEW Women's Expo to be interviewed by the L.A. based talk show Every Way Woman as they would be in Virginia hosting and were looking to connect with local bloggers. Of course I said yes as they wanted to know why you should "Follow the Pink Squirrel" and they also wanted to talk about natural hair so this was also a great opportuntity to talk up my children't book, My Hair is Fuzzy, My Hair is Cute found on Amazon  and my Tee Spring campaign where you can purchase a My Hair is Fuzzy shirt.

While there we went live on Periscope (follow me @mstonimoni) and my ride or die  @TamintheGarden was able to capture some of the video footage.  If you missed the live Scope check out my interview talking about who I am and what makes me an Every Way Woman. Part 1 & Part 2

 With it being Women's History Month, tell me what you wish to be known for in years to come.

I want people to know that I was:

  1. Resourceful: Sharing what I know for the betterment of others
  2. Informative: The person with a wealth of knowledge that would help push others towards their goals and dreams
  3. Motivating: I lived my life the best that I could and in turn I was able to motivate others
  4. Inspiring: Just plain ole Toni, doing what she does as she goes through her day but being inspirational.

Tell me about you, oh and watch the video!

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