Sizzling Summer Slim Down - Week 2 Weigh-in
So, these past 7 days went by QUICK and I feel like that I've done a lot. This week, I've stuck with my clean eating minus those Krispy Kreme doughnuts that I had on Sunday. OMG they were delicious but I'm definitely going to need to find a different cheat! I made the BOMB curry chicken with butternut squash and I've been switching up my juice recipes by introducing celery. I tell you a bunch of juice comes out of a celery stalk.
When working at losing weight the food is of the uttermost importance. You know that they say that 80% of weight loss starts in the kitchen. For me outside of eating well I need the workout for results. It helps to lean me out and build body tone. I've gotten back into the swing of things with my 2 sessions a week at Orange Theory Fitness but this week with the nudging of my dear friend Crystal who seems to be able to talk me into some crazy fitness stuff (Rugged Maniac) I attended Bikram Yoga.
I'm sure you are thinking what's so crazy about yoga. Well I have steered clear of yoga for as long as I can remember because I'm just not flexible, but outside of that we attended Bikram yoga where the room is set at 110 degree. I think that I walked into the room and my knees started to sweat but you know what? Even though I'm not able to touch my toes I loved the class so much that I went a second time this week and have plans to continue to go until my Groupon runs out. The cost of the single class was $20 but on their site they are offering 2 weeks of unlimited sessions for $55 and that's great but last week on Groupon I found 30 days unlimited for $75 with a $15 off coupon code. Yes, I'm frugal! I plan to finish this month out at Bikram and move next month to the Hot Yoga Barre. They are currently offering 1 month unlimited to new members for $59.
I'm sure you are trying to figure out what's the fascination with this hot yoga? Well I love the detoxifying affects that it has on the body and I love that it's something that isn't easy for me to do but with practice I should be able to conqure it. It's just like when I decided that I would pick up running because it defeated me, I made up in my mind that I would keep at it until I was able to gain traction. No, I don't have a bumper sticker on my car that says 13.1 or 26.2 but with my mind change, I can now run.
One of the things that the Bikram instructor said in the last class was
"Flexibility and balance is are all in the mind"
Remember, I showed up to the class professioning that I can't touch my toes but somehow now after facing my fear's I'm realizing that I just may be able to do this but some practice and a different train of thought. Here are a few things to remember when attempting to do something that you've never done.
- How you think is how you show up. Want to be a winner think like a winner, act like a winner, be a winner. Just as defeat is a way of thinking so is winning....Think I WIN!
- Slow and steady wins the race. I've said this many times before it's "Turtle mentality wins the race" in this journey called life it's not about how fast you can get things done, it's about accomplishing your goals at whatever rate of time it takes
- Lastly, just like Aliyah said "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again."
Do you have things that you want to work on be it your weight, career, business, blog or brand and not sure how to get there? Check in with me and I will help you get started and what I can't help you with I'm sure that I have the perfect person that can!
Now the part that you have been waiting for my weigh in.......
so not down any, might be those doughnuts but with doing this yoga and going to the gym at 5 a.m. I think that I'm all done with those for now. Until next week!