Building Your Tribe — Toni M. Winston
Building Your Tribe

Building Your Tribe

Photo Credits:  Kimie James | IYQ Photography

Photo Credits:  Kimie James | IYQ Photography

Have heard all of the buzz surrounding "Building Your Tribe" or "Creating a Community"? Are you wondering what the importance of this "tribe"?  Well Websters defines  "tribe" as


a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.

In today's times many tribes are recognized as groups with a common culture and you find this lingo in buiness and women's groups or groups with common themes like entreprenuership, finances, business ownership or even a sports team. The goal of the tribe is to come together as one in an effort to uplift, educate and support. When building your tribe be sure that you have purpose, goals and respect.  Starting with those key elements will not only make you strong but ensure longevity. So be sure to grow or participate in a strong tribe.

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