Eating Local - From Vision to Victory Success
Photo Credit : Tamara Elmore
Have you been able to pick yourself up by your own bootstraps and want to share it with the world? Are you looking to take what was once only a dream and turn it into a victory? It can be done and for those who have taken our Victory Board Events and followed up with coaching this can be you!
Meet Stacy!
Photo Credits: Vanessa Nixon
Stacy started her health and Wellness journey in 2009 where she successfully shed 2 dress sizes in 90 days and went on to blog on the Stacy continues her journey today but wanted to create her own platform for blogging and begin to build her own audience. Something else that she wanted was to garden as she had most recently explored the vegeterian lifestyle and wanted to begin to grown her own food. Stacy attending From Vision to Victory, Stacy and I began to meet and created action step to help her begin to blog on Blogger platform, although her site is up while in development I shared with her that the biggest part of blogging was to write and to write well. Interested in hearing what she has to say? Take a read here. Not only were we able to get the blog off the ground we have been able to connect her with one of her classmates to help her begin to #growinggoodfoodathome. Starting this garden will help her continue her health and wellness journey and help her create content for her blog. Want to see what she has going on? Join her on Instagram.
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