I Build People Up......

I Build People Up......

I was recently watching Laurieann Gibson @laurieanngibson to me she is fierce, talented and highly sought after in the dance and creative community. As part of her reality show she makes a statement and says

“I build people up and I help them build their dreams; but what people don’t know is that I’m afraid to do it for myself”

At that moment I look at Laurieann like 😮. She comes across as strong, put together, a go getter and successful! The other thing is that after hearing her words I thought....that’s me!!! “Afraid to do it for myself”

Then I thought, why are you afraid? What are you afraid of? And a ton of things flooded my brain but more than anything what stood out the most was the inability to measure up but then I thought, not measure up to what and who? Then I realized that I’m trying to measure up to what appears to be other people’s measure of success.

When you try to measure up to what someone else says or does or believes that you should be, you often dim your own light. Dimming your own light is self sabotage as it gets you stuck and unable to move forward towards your goals.

Today after much thought and considerations I’ve decided that it’s time to resuscitate my vision. It’s time to pick back up those goals and dreams that I have placed on pause while watching others achieve and acquire. Will this require work? Yes both mental and physical but it’s time to move past fear and doubt and live!!

#resuscitateyourvision #tonimwiston #fromvisiontovictory #followthepinksquirrel

Be Intentional

Be Intentional

Be Your Own Cheerleader (Audio)

Be Your Own Cheerleader (Audio)