Debt Elimination

So as much as I would love for my first blog and my first 40 by 40 entry to be foot loose and fancy free and talk about my potential trip to Disney it's not. It's about DEBT.....Currently in my mind it's a 4 letter word that makes me sick to my stomach.

For those of you who are clueless to this word and what it means let me help you out:

1. something that is owed or that one is bound to pay to or perform for another: a debt of $50.
2. a liability or obligation to pay or render something: My debt to her for advice is not to be discharged easily.
3. the condition of being under such an obligation: His gambling losses put him deeply in debt.

The bible puts it this way:
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is the servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7

So I'm sure as you read this you say hmmmmm she must have debt.  That I do!  In my mind I'm thinking Lawd Jesus rescue me!

Well I'm on that path to being debt free.  The first step was to realize that I have more going on than I wish to handle. So becoming self aware.  The second step for me was gathering all of my information and figuring out who and what needed to be paid. Organization.  Now onto realization.....I don't have a real plan for paying this stuff off.  I've thought pay off the smallest bill first or pay off the highest interest rate first or make payment arrangements on EVERYTHING!  What is a girl to do?

Well what I've done is enlisted the help of one of Dave Ramsey's financial coaches. I've had my initial conversation and have schedule a time for my husband and I to have a conversation with the coach to determine what our next steps are.

At this point I'm very optimistic and just like any coaching be it sports, life, weight loss or marriage it takes work.  So I plan to go in with a open mind, take instruction and execute.

Stay tune!!!!

Make it happen!
