Happy New Year!

I'm sure if you are reading this post you are thinking it's not January 1! You are right it isn't but last night while listening to Periscope I heard these words on the #Amplify2016 Scope with Master Coach Aprille..."Your New Year starts now."  I had to ponder on that thing, I'm thinking why would the new year start now? After giving it much thought I realized that often time we wait until the first of the year to set new goals, take on new ventures or to make changes in our lives, but why?  Who knows but I guess it just sounds logical because it's a new calendar year and time to set goals.

I decided to take the statement a bit further and thought "Your New Year starts now, let's get to work."  Often time we place ourselves on pause waiting for the right time, right moment or the right idea, I've decided the stars may never align so it's time to start moving. If there is something that you are working on be it your weight, finances, career change, family, living situation, relationship, artistic pursuit or your overall well being, stop contemplating a change and start today because it's your New Year.

Trying to figure out how to start?  Make a smart goal, what is a smart goal?

Time Oriented

Doing so will give you a road to travel and a plan to get there like a map. Need help with your map? Reach out to me @

It's just a detour, it's not a failure

Couch to 5k with Toni & Stacy - Periscope Repost