I ate the cake! Now it's time to recover — Toni M. Winston

I ate the cake! Now it's time to recover

Many of you know that I have been on this life long journey with my weight. You may have seen me go through the Green Smoothie Cleanse, Eat Clean Challenge, drink half my water weight and even conquer Whole 30. So in

some of your minds I have it all under control. How about if I tell you not so.  Today I ate the cake! Yes, I decided to indulge in my all time favorite an end piece of yellow cake with lots of icing.

Will eating the cake kill me? No but it could set me back a bit and today i realized that it wasn't even worth it.  What it has caused me to do is to work a bit harder in the gym, it may also cause me to stumble a minute before I get back on track because we all know that once off track it can be hard to get back on.

If you choose to get off track use these tips to help your regroup:

  1. Acknowledge that I've done this and it was for the moment and I don't have to make this a daily routine
  2. Don't think about skipping a meal because you have had this treat in hopes to balance the high calorie splurge.
  3. Make up in your mind that it's okay to move on and get back on track the next meal. Not the next day because if too much time passes we often decide on just another treat and then another and potentially another and then we look up and it's been a week.
  4. Create a plan and execute. There is no where that you can go without a plan. You can plan to meal prep, you can plan to eat clean, increase your water intake or all three but whatever you do like Nike says, "Just Do It"

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