Day1 Recap #fithappens100days

Fit happens 100 days started on yesterday 9/8 and boy was it a struggle for me.  I had high hopes for the kickoff but what I failed to do was plan.  I know, I talked all about setting goals last week and having a map, well this goes to show that without a map in place you can get lost.  Now grant it, I was able to eat clean and get my 12,000 steps BUT man was it a pain.

For those of you looking for food suggestions here was my day:

2 boiled eggs
1 Aidells Apple Chicken Sausage link

1 Banana

Chicken BLT Salad with Tessemae (I didn't have cooked chicken at home so I got that off the salad bar at work)

Baked curried chicken thighs
Fresh baked apples from my trip to Carter's Mountain (no sugar added)
Roasted red potatoes

Not only was I able to cook dinner for yesterday I also cooked the following for the rest of the week:

Baked garlic-onion chicken thighs
6 baked sweet potatoes
Fresh broccoli

See I'm trying to plan ahead or at least get through Friday with the extra meal.  I will eat some combination of all the food above for the rest of the week and a salad of some type with the chicken for lunch. This week was all about what I could throw in the oven and walk away from.

Once I wrapped my head around my meals I decided to do a quick Periscope.  Are you following me yet?  You should be, follow me I'm mstonimoni.  Scope out the way and now time to get these steps done.

Now this was the painful part!!! I only needed 1600 steps to get to goal and I was tired and it was dark outside so imagine me running circles in the house with my 7 year old behind me trying to keep up.  Good news is, I did it!  But, at a cost, I was miserable that I had put myself in that situation and thought to myself I can't do this for the next 99 days.  So with that thought in mind, I was at the gym at 6 a.m. eager and ready to show out #fithappens100day day 2!

How was your day 1?  Did it not go as planned or did it go better than planned?  Feel free to share and feel free to email me at

#fithappens100days day 3

#fithappens100days day 1