#fithappens100days Kale Jar Salad Review

So today will conclude week 1 of #fithappens100day and I'm excited to have pushed through this first week and I'm looking forward to these next 93 days. If you have been following me, you know that this week's lunch consist of jar salads.

Today's salad is a kale salad and I asked myself "To kale or not to kale, that is the question" in my Shakespeare voice.

My salad consisted of the following ingredients:

Golden Raisins
Tessemae Green Goddess Dressing

So while the salad was nice and fresh and the greens perky, OMG is was stinky. I'm thinking why is this so stinky and someone even walked to my desk and asked "what are you eating" with a frown but hey I ate my lunch after I described my current situation.

After surfing the web I found this "Kale is also rich in sulfur and compounds that convert to sulfur, which is the chemical that makes rotten eggs smell."

With this new discovery, I've decided that I will only eat kale salads made that day, the smell isn't worth the taste.  What I will say is that I'm the girl who doesn't like coffee or spearmint gum because of the smell so don't base your decision to kale or not to kale on me.

Happy eating!

Dinner is served!

The Sharvette Mitchell Radio Show featuring ME!