
Hi! My name is Toni and one day I was asked to describe myself as a color and a animal and without hesitation I said, I was a Pink Squirrel. When asked why I said:

I'm pink because pink is cute and so am I. I can be soft and sweet like cotton candy or I can be hot pink and firery

I'm a squirrel because just like a squirrel, I'm all over the place but I have a vision and I have a desired end state and I will reach my destination.

Many that know me know that I have an Event Management certification from George Washington University and have planned numerous weddings, conferences, meetings and events. I've also had the opportunity to participate in a 90 day weight loss challenge on the Dr. Oz show leading to my ability to coach and blog on his website helping to lead others towards their weight loss goals. Not only that I'm your girl for all things natural hair under the name Is That My Hair, I'm a guest blogger on Telmore Gardens and your go to girl on most any topic of interest to me.

As you can see I'm all over the place and those things are just the tip of the iceberg. I have more to share and I want to share it all here so that you don't have to go all over the place to keep up with me.

So keep up as iPlan, iGrow and I share what iKnow
