
There are many things in life that I've decided that I wanted to do and many of them have come easy but there is one thing that I just can't quite figure out and that's running.  So although it appears to be a mystery to me I know that I can do it, I know that it's in my genes and therefore I believe that I'm Destined to Run (D2Run). 

You may say so how do you figure that? Well running is in my blood, my uncle Mark was a runner for the mighty Maggie Walker High School in Richmond, VA, my cousins Mikisha and Mechelle Lewis (his daughters) were Women's Track and Field 2002 NCAA Champions from the University of South Carolina and Mechelle is a member of the 2008 U.S. Olympics team running in the 4x100 (side note.....she did not drop the baton!).  I've never been a competition runner but I would like to be acknowledged for winning first place in the City of Richmond for the high jump in 1989, yes that's right 89...I have the blue ribbon to prove it.

So I'm sure you are still trying to figure out why I think that I'm D2Run.  I just feel it in my bones and it's something that I want to, heck I've got to do! Well earlier this year I joined the River City Runners of Color because I was asked by my dear friend and photographer Kimie to participate in an 8k.  When I read the details it was a running event and I had already said "YES".  What the......Okay running shoes on!  I went out with the gang from River City and after several months was able to run 3 miles without stopping.  I was proud boy was I proud but like Nationwide and I like to say...."Life comes at you fast", so with all that life had to bring me I stopped! Part of it was Tamara's fault, she wasn't meeting me in the morning for our bi-weekly runs, she said it's because it was dark outside.  Then I missed several runs with River City, and then it just got cold! Oh and by the way, I never registered to run the race but I was training.

Well, I'm recommitting to my running and think that I will be able to start Thanksgiving weekend 2012 (God willing and Toni too...LOL).

In the mean time here are a few of the tools that I've used to help me get started and up to my 3 miles but I know that I need and want more!

Disclaimer....none of the music in these podcast are Christian/Gospel and many are uncut so listen at your own risk.....but it helped me during my runs so remember for all of my Christian friends......Philippians 2:12.

Just want some good running music?

Black Girls Run Mixtape (scroll down to the pic of the cassette tape)

Need to track where you've been and how far you have run? Track it here, report out and follow me (Toni Winston) on Map My Run

Happy walking, running, training or whatever it is that you feel that you are destined to do!

Stop the fight

Thought of the day