Five free fitness activities for your 2016 goal

Five free fitness activities for your 2016 goal

2016 has started and there are many of you that came out of the gate swing with your healthy eating and showing up to the gym with the many others who have resolved to live a better physical life this year. There are those who plan to go all out with holding nothing and incurring whatever cost necessary to achieve your desired physical results.

But then there are those where cost has an impact on what you believe that you can achieve. It's no secret that personalized or even group training cost can add up but never fear there are some great programs and activities that you can do for absolutely FREE!  That's right no cost to you at all.  The good thing about no cost is that if you get out there and start to achieve some results on your own but need a little extra push, you may decide to invest a bit more in your fitness by joining a gym or taking specialized classes but in the meantime here are five free activities to help you towards your 2016 goal of health and wellness:

  1. Mall Walking: that's right, no need for the excuse that it's too cold to go out walking or meet your friends at the track.  Lace up your sneakers and meet them at your local indoor mall for some good old fashion walking.  The mall has extended hours so you can walk most anytime between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. daily and it's free and safe.
  2. Local Parks & Recreations Centers: Often times we tend to overlook what's going on in our very own back yards.  Do you have a park or recreation center in your area?  Chance are they offer free fitness classes to those who live in the community. A quick search on your city's page will reveal what's available to you through your local government agencies.
  3. This service isn't 100% free but it will give you the best 30 day start ever.  After a brief questionnaire Daily Burn will customize a workout tailored towards your fitness goals.  This is fitness that you can do and take anywhere as long as you have a laptop or some sort of mobile device.  It offers various classes that are scheduled for you and personal trainers for your specific needs.
  4. YouTube: Everyone knows that YouTube has it all.  You can cook a meal, fix a car, polish your nails and make soap often times on the same YouTube Channel. Well if you are looking to work out at not cost to you check out YouTube but here are a few of my favorites:
    1. FitnessBlender
    2. BeFit
    3. POPSUGAR Fitness
  5. Public Library: I'm sure you are thinking that the library is for reading and checking out books, well guess what you can also check out DVD's.  Are you still rocking it old school with no wifi, handheld device or smart phone or does your current data plan limit the amount of streaming you are able to do to help you reach your fitness goal?  Well I'm sure that you have a handy dandy DVD player, I still do.  If you do you should run on over to your local library, pick up that free library card or dust off the one that has been out of commision for a while and check out the latest and greatest fitness DVD.

I'm sure that there are more free options available to us as many fitness facilities offer free trial memberships, places of worship offer free classes and you may have a workplace, college or university where it's offered as part of your tuition or benefits. Whatever it is, FREE is available you just have to ask around and maybe even rely on your handy dandy search engine.  Whatever the case may be you can reach your goal for $FREE.99.

Let use know your free activity of choice!

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