Orange Theory - What's that all about?

Orange Theory - What's that all about?

If you are following me on  Instagram you have seen my post regarding Orange Theory Fitness (OTF) and if you aren't a OTF member i'm sure that it all reads like gibberish but if you are a member as I am some days those numbers give you goosebumps and on others it may make you feel like I just didn't push hard enough but whatever the reaction I must say that I live for that report after each and every workout.

I was introduced to the fitness center via a Facebook tag when the location was in the construction phase.  After hearing what it was all about and being introduced to all of it's bells and whistles I signed up.  What I will say is that I'm not one for a membership or what I consider an exeberant cost. I'm currently a memeber of my company's fitness center at the low low cost of ten bucks a month and that includes up to 2 personal training sessions a week (that i take advantage of) contingent upon availability.  So anything $10.01 is basically out of my price range. From time to time I also frequent Body By Maria where you "Go Hard or Go Home" where classes start at $5.00. So with attending the fitness center and maybe Maria's class once a week I was spending no more than $30 a month. When I signed up for OTF the introductory price for Eight, 1 hour classes was $79 a month. When I told my girlfriend she couldn't believe that I, Mrs. Baller on a Budget had signed up.

Okay construction is complete and I joined my first class open only to those who had signed up prior to the grand opening.  I tell you what I took one class and I was HOOKED!  You walked in the door and are given the option to get on the treadmill or the rowers, I'm thinking I'm going to row this is easy. Man oh man was I wrong! We moved from the rower to the weight floor where I was accustomed to the free weights and TRX straps but I loved how after the instructor gives you a quick run down of your next block of exercises there are also tv screens where each excercise is demostrated with reps listed in case you've forgot or need a reminder of format or what is next. From the weight floor I headed to the treadmill.  I'm thinking I've got this, the treadmill is easy peasy! Well this is were they start talking about Base pace  speed of 3.0 or higher with the incline on 1.0, Push pace 1 to 2 mph over your Base and ALL OUT 1 or more over your Push pace. So I think that I'm fast but I seem to never be faster than anyone on the treadmill next to me. Well long story short at the end of that workout I was WHIPPED but you know what I enjoyed it I really enjoyed it.

Wondering what I love most about OTF?  Here are my top 10 not in any particular order:

  1. Staff are very friendly and reponsive to emails, text and FB posts
  2. Owner shows up just like he's one of us to workout but no one really knows that he is the owner and he is uber nice
  3. Classes are easily scheduled via the OTF app
  4. Variety, variety, variety: no one class/workout is ever the same
  5. All OTF centers in the US have the exact same workout, so if you have a friend in another city or state that is a member you can talk about the workout because they are the same.
  6. Classes start as early as 5 a.m. to accomodate early risers
  7. This workout is for all fitness levels. If you are new to working out or a tri-athelete this place is for you as you work at your own pace with the guidance of the instructor
  8. The  end of workout report is my pride and joy. It allows you to see your efforts and calorie burn
  9. The people/members are nice!  I've made a few friends in passing and when I'm missing and return they ask "where have you been?"
  10. This place gets me out of my comfort zone

Point 10 is one of the  biggest things for me.  I need to be pushed outside of my comfort zone.  Not that I'm a runner but running is something that I've picked up and can keep a good pace and go relatively far but I'm not going to go farther than I think that I can go in my mind or even faster but I will go.  In OTF they give you a base which is doable but comfortable then you are asked to push yourself and from pushing yourself you are asked to go "all out". I need this class in my life and plan to continue to go in an effort to reach my goal.

From what I've read OTF is making it's way all around the US so check here to see if there is one in your area!

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