Wellness Wednesday - My Journey to Wellness

Wellness Wednesday - My Journey to Wellness

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There are many that know me and understand that my health and wellness journey started September of 2009.  Myself and 2 other friends were choosen to be featured as the Healthy Housewives of Oz on the first season of the Dr. Oz show.  We went in blind not knowing what to expect but understaning that we wanted to lose the weight.

During my initial 90 day jouney that included 3 taped segments that would be viewed around the world, I learned the following about myself:

  1. I wasn't happy living life 
  2. My weight was not only affecting my health but my self esteem
  3. I was willing to share my struggles with the world in order to get the help that I needed
  4. Losing weight with some guidance from skilled professional and sheer determination from me would help me get to my goal.

As we entered this journed the goal was to drop 2 dress sizes in 90 days and this was to take place during the holiday season, can you say no mac and cheese, stuffing or sweet potato pie. We were tasked with eating clean and moving our bodies every day "no excuses". Interested in how I did on the 90 day journey?  Take a look here.

Gratefully I was successful on my 90 days but it's easy when you have the world looking on well at least it is for me because as I would always say "I have to show up well". After the show I was honored to be featured on doctoroz.com as one of it's Wellness Warriors were we would blog weekly about things that were important to us and crucial to our success.  From there I began to coach others and even started a success movement via Facebook called YOU Gals with Stacy Rodriguez my friends and participants with me on the Dr. Oz Challenge.

Then life happened, YOU Gals parted ways, I was no longer a blogger on doctoroz.com and I got caught up in my everyday life.  Now I was still working out and watching my food but not with the same amount of rigor as when I was helping the world. I got comfortable and along with getting comfortable I gained some weight.  This is common for many of us and it's like we are having to start over. This time around although "starting over" I had a different goal, it wasn't just about dropping the weight but building muscle and being the best me possible.

Being the best me doesn't necessailry mean that I will be a size 8 or 10 but I want the following:

  1. be in good health
  2. look good in my clothing
  3. be an example to my daughter
  4. inspire others to be their best self

It's no longer about how I appear on television or what size my jeans are but it's more of an overall healthy me.  Now note that I have some unwanted fat to shed that I hope will translate to muscle and a fat roll on my back that I hope to smooth out but what I will not be if victim to the scale. Interested in what has sustained me on my journey?  Check back in next week and I will provide tools to help you along the way.  Can't wait until then?  Email me at tonim.winston@mail.com

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