Low Heat Transformation

Many of my natural hair friends are good with always being kinky, curly or coily but for me I need my semi-annual blowout at a minimum. I will be honest while I love the various natural styles I also love to wear my hair straight.

Just recently I was approaching 2 weeks on my blowout and was headed out for a night on the town. Needless to say my hair needed some reviving but I didn't want to place a lot of heat to my hair so I opted for my hot rollers.

Hot rollers do not pull on the hair or hold large volumes of heat. They basically are good for setting the curls so if you are needing to elongate or straighten the hair hot rollers may not be the styling tool for your desired look.

Do you have a set from your relaxer days? If so pull them out and give them a try!

Thought of the day

White ain't nice?