No longer MIA...Pink Squirrel update

If any of you are like my dear friend Kimie you are wondering where the heck is the Pink Squirrel?!? Well here I am. To catch you up I'm going to give you the down and dirty with pictures to accompany it in no particular order

1. I declared to you and everyone else that I was going to begin a 90 day wellness challenge.

2. I brought in the New Year with friends at the "Praise Party"

3. Visited Atlantis in Freeport Bahamas

4. Helped a friend fight like a girl and celebrate being Fabulous and Forty

5. Brought in the New Year with two of my favorite people

6. Fell off the plan for the 90 day Challenge but kept it to myself

7. Went on my 5th cruise

8. Meet some great people on the cruise

9. Played some Jenga for the first time

10. Reflected back to 01.18.03.... My wedding day!

11. Celebrated 10 years of marriage with some close friends


The Challenge Begins!