The Challenge Begins!

Some of you may know that back in fall of 2009 I decided to go on this weight loss journey in front of all of American by signing up to be on the Doctor Oz show.  On the show I accepted a 90 day weight loss challenge and was given a book and a wellness coach.  Over the 90 days I was brought back to the show 3 times and during that time I was able to go from 210 pounds to 183 pounds.  I was able to go from a size 18W clothing to a solid 14.  I was HOT!

On the last show myself along with the other participants were asked if we wanted to be wellness coaches?  Of course we agreed but not really knowing what it entailed.  The agreement meant that I would coach others through my writings on the Doctor Oz website and answering questions via e-mails under the supervision of my weight loss coach Dr. Michael Rozien, and while that was good I decided to join forces with a fellow show mate and start a weight loss coaching group called YOU Gals.  We had a great 2 year run hosting various events, blogging, hosting a weekly newsletter and daily coaching of others but all good things often come to an end.

So life has gone on and almost 4 years later I've enjoyed all that I have done and often times I like to do something and put it on the shelf and give that part of my life a big old check!

Well recently one of the former YOU Gals participants and my friend of 3 years Karlene reached out in search of a new YOU Gals challenge.  Well as we stated there is no more YOU Gals but there is still me here wanting to help folk meet their goals.  Karlene was one of YOU Gals greatest success and she worked hard and achieved big success in her 90 days (read here).

So while I'm glad that she reached out and wants help for herself she didn't realize that I needed help for me.  I need an accountability partner, so I have someone that I too can check in with and who will also keep me encouraged. So let the challenge begin! We have a new weight loss challenge starting January 2, 2013.  Yeah I know, typical the start of the new year but hey you have to start somewhere and somehow.  Not only will Karlene be joining us so will my mom Vanessa who was also a former participant and if I keep persuading so will my friend Tamara.

So I guess you are wondering what the challenge will entail, we are taking it old school and going back to what we know works!  Here is the plan:
  1. Eat whole grains, lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish), fruits and vegetables.
  2. Drink plenty of water, avoid sugary drinks and beverages
  3. Create 10,000 steps DAILY
  4. Starts January 2, 2013
To start this challenge we will weigh in as well as measure our waist and will report updates each week.  We will track what we are eating and our movement daily be it walking, running, zumba or whatever it takes for you to reach your 10,000 steps.

So here we go!  can't wait to start and if you are interested in getting in on this support group hit me up at

No longer MIA...Pink Squirrel update

Just a thought