Today is day 1 of #fithappens100days. What is that you ask? It's 100 days where we commit to living a life of fitness and exercise. I'm not asking you to run a marathon, scale a wall or compete for a iron man competition. I'm just asking that you join me in being fit for the next 100 days. When Mahera Rana came to me with this I thought what the fudge cake! Yes fudge cake, who in the world is going to work out for the next 100 days? We have Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years coming up, who is working out then? After agreeing to join in with her, I guess that is going to be me. I've decided to blow off the dust on my blog and my Fitbit and get to moving and typing while chronicle these 100 days along with other things that may be going on in my life because remember I am a "Pink Squirrel' and I'm all over the place.
Who will join me on this journey where we will walk, jog, run, Zumba, cycle, garden, dance, play, pole dance, weight lift, cross train, HIIT, walk away the pounds, yoga and the list goes on. It's not about what you do, it's about doing it, loving it, and being consistent while on this journey. Consistency can be hard but when I'm being held accountable it makes the trip easier.
If you are on this journey with me leave post on your social media in an attempt to encourage others and when you post be sure to tag your post #fithappens100days.
We've got this even on Christmas day!
#followthepinksquirrel because #fithappens100days