Dusting off the Inspiration

Sometimes in life we just need to dust off what we already have.  We are often looking for something new or the latest and greatest to get us going.  Today, I'm dusting off a blog written by my friend Stacy Rodriguez.  She and I along with a friend Brooke were featured on the Dr. Oz show and one of the things that we were tasked to do after losing over 90 lbs collectively in 90 days was to become bloggers on doctoroz.com.

Part of being a blogger on the show was being supportive, encouraging and it helped me to be accountable.  Today Stacy shared that someone shared her blog and it has lit some fire up under her.  Well after reading it, it has done the same for me and I wanted to share with you.  I hope you enjoy, I did!

Click here to read Stacy's Oz Blog

Moving pass basic - #fithappens100days

Is this you? Sounds like me!!