Go at it alone or nah?

Are you venturing out into the unknown?  Are you taking on a new venture but don’t know exactly how to start?  This happens to us all each and every day but what I have learned is that you must use your resources.

Many times we show up with that “I’ve got this” attitude towards the situation and nothing or no one is going to stop us but what I’ve learned is that often times you can save yourself time, money and effort if you just stop and get help. As they say there is nothing new under the sun so why attempt to reinvent the wheel when it’s already been done for you. There is nothing wrong with improving upon what’s already there if it requires improvement but more than anything take what it is and make it your own.

As you have seen, I have become more consistent with my blog but hey there are people who have been doing this longer and I’m sure better than me so I figure why not glean from what they know.  Today I’ve become an official member of Virginia Bloggers. It’s a community of Bloggers in the Virginia area who come together socially and creatively to provide a way for people to connect and discover new blogs. This will also allow me to put my blog in front of a different set of people in an attempt to grow my audience and help others through my posts. Now grant it I probably could try to chart my own course but why when there is a community of great people to help me.

Are you in pursuit of a new dream or goal or dusting off one that you have picked up and put down along the way?  Be sure to partner with like minded people to help you get where you are going by joining a group, club or association. You will be surprised of the connections that you make and the people that you are able to help down the line.

Remember no man is an island, join forces with someone great!

Fit Happens 100 Days

Where to Next?