Fit Happens 100 Days

Around this time last year I went out on an attempt to workout for 100 days straight with no excuses. Well I think it's about that time again! I have gotten real laid back since vacation, almost at a screeching halt so I need a public push!  This time I'm going to be real specific about the challenge and wonder who will join me?  In order to claim one day of fitness I must accumulate a minimum of 12,000 steps each day that I will track using my FitBit. How will I get there well that's yet to be seen but I figured that I would first publicly declare the challenge.

Do you think that you can set a fitness goal and keep it going with me for 100 days?  Do you want to join me in the challenge?  If so email me at


  1. Choose a Fitness Goal
  2. Commit to keeping it for 100 days beginning Tuesday, September 8th 
  3. Track your goal daily
  4. Share on Facebook, Twitter or IG and tag with #fithappens100days
  5. Celebrate your consistency on Friday, December 11th

Does 100 days seem like just too much?  Start with a smaller goal maybe 21 days but whatever you do just start! Next up clean eating!

Join the Challenge!

Go at it alone or nah?