Join the Challenge!

Come and join me on my personal challenge to health and wellness for the next 100 days, I have chosen my personal goal of 12,000 steps each day NO EXCUSES! 

What I have also decided to do is include healthy eating into my plan.  There is no need to be moving my butt and not nourishing my gut. The first 30 days of this 100 day challenge I will pick back up my clean eating every day NO EXCUSES!  

Yes, I said pick back up, I have gotten real comfortable after completing Whole30 where I eliminated sugar, dairy, grains, legumes, alcohol and soy. While I believe that I will revisit this plan at some point in the near future I’m going to jump right back into what we should be eating daily which is lean meats, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. During this time I will also meal prep so that I can stay on track.

Will you join me?  Remember there is comfort in numbers. If you are down for the cause email me at

Does 100 days appear to daunting?  You can still join by taking on the 21 day challenge ending on September 29th   They say that it takes 21 days to create a habit and I’m sure once you hit the 21 day mark you will want to keep moving.

We start Tuesday, September 8th and go through Friday, December 11th so email me today so that we can start strong!

Challenge Details:
  1. Choose a Fitness Goal
  2. Commit to keeping it for 100 days beginning Tuesday, September 8th 
  3. Track your goal daily
  4. Share on Facebook, Twitter or IG and tag with #fithappens100days
  5. Celebrate your consistency on Friday, December 11th

Happy Friday!

Fit Happens 100 Days