#fithappens100days - The REVAMP

So we started with #fithappens100days about 30 days ago and for some of us it meant just getting off the couch and starting. For others it was the push we needed to bump up our current goal and for others it may have been the reminder to become consistent.

During these past 30 days I've heard from those who wanted to know what do you eat or what's your workout plan.  I heard a victory of ten pounds down and I've had those who have checked in to let me know that they were still standing.

For me as I finish out these next 60 days I've decided to take it beyond the step goal.  Why you might ask well I think that in many ways I've figured out how to conquer the minimum goal of 10,000 by doing things like parking far from my building, taking the stairs, walking the campus at work on my break, lapping the Target and many times just plain ole exercise. Needless to say there are days when I can truly veg out and barely make 5k steps but given an average day with going to the office and running errands the step goal is toast.

So I'm sure you are asking, what's next?  Well I just joined Orange Theory Fitness. Man oh man, I love this place and if you have one in your area you should try it out.  I'm okay with the weights but I love the cardio push and the calorie burn. I've been attending a VERY early morning class so I'm thinking the following:

  1. I'm getting up really early to workout
  2. I'm working out really hard 3-4 days a week
  3. I'm consistently inconsistent with my food when I don't declare a food plan or meal prep
Welp, an early rise to workout and inconsistent food don't go hand in hand.  It may help me maintain my weight but right now I have a goal of weight loss and toning so I need to get a better plan.

For the next 30 days starting 10/13 I will do the following:

  1. Weigh in and post my weight along with before and after pics
  2. Attend Orange Theory Fitness 2 days a week
  3. Attend PT at the office gym 2 days a week
  4. Do 30 minutes of cardio on the days that I attend PT at the office gym
  5. If I'm unable to get pt sessions at the office gym I will commit to two 45 minute workouts
  6. The other 3 days I will meet my step goal of 12,000 steps per day
Here is where the rubber will meet the road......
  1. I will go back on Whole30 ( I had to pause and review the program to ensure I wanted to say this LOL)
  2. I repeat I will go back on Whole 30
What is Whole30?  Here is the down and dirty of the plan but for more information check out the website at www.whole30.com


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