Headed to Cosmetology School

The time has come, my first day of cosmetology school.  What was at first excitement has turned into fear.  Fear of the unknown, what if, how to and how can I. Why fear?  I am starting to feel like I have no control.  I'm a working mother of only one loving child and a husband with a varying work schedule.  My in-laws have been a great help in the past but they have embarked on a new journey as my mother-in-law is in training for a new job and my father-in-law works for my husband in the evenings. In my mind if everyone is working and I'm in school who is going to take care of my baby girl? Well my mom will but she has her own 10 year old who has to be picked up, feed, helped with homework, taken to her extra-curricular activities, etc. Oh my, my mind is all over the place about how this will and can turn out.

Well my always encouraging husband said "this is only temporary" and when I think about it, it is.  These next 14 months are going to only be a small facet of my life and what's to come.  What I have to believe that it will all work out for me. As I type this a scripture comes to mind.  One that is a favorite of my dear friend MiMi as we call her and it goes like this:

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11 KJV King James Version
And with that I leave you feeling much better than I did when I started this post because this I know and it's written in God's word....He has me covered!
Day 1 tomorrow!


If you bite it