40 by 40

Like the Nationwide commercial says "Life comes at you fast"  Well not as soon as my dear friend Tamara Elmore but soon enough 40 is coming for me so I've decided that there has to be 40 things that I wish to accomplish before I turn 40.

I've thought long and hard and I've created my list most for me but a few for some folk near and dear to me as well.  Because I'm a firm believer in accountability I've also decided that I will post these publicly and provide updates so that those of you out there can see how I am or am not progressing. So follow me here as I chronicle this list below.

Feel free to check in as I forge forward towards September 19, 2014.

  1. Complete Couch to 5k training (instead of doing my own thing)
  2. Complete from 5k to 10k training
  3. Run a 5k
  4. Run a 8k
  5. Run a 10k
  6. Weigh in at 175lbs and maintain it
  7. Go to cosmetology school (Started March 2013, anticipated graduation date Summer 2014)
  8. Transform my bedroom into a place for retreat and relaxation not a big clothes hanger
  9. Big Chop my natural
  10. Create/take a 90 day fitness, weight loss and recipe challenge
  11. Use the information from my 90 day challenge to pen a cookbook
  12. Take Skylar to Disney
  13. Start a college fund for Skylar
  14. Get Follow the Pink Squirrel running as a dot com (drop the blogspot)
  15. Be Debt Free!!!!! Or really close to it (Pediatric Connections paid in full)
  16. Start a second raised bed for Skylar’s pumpkins
  17. Throw hubby a slamming 40th birthday party
  18. Step up my shoe game with at least 10 new pairs of shoes purging 2 pair for every 1 pair that I bring in.
  19. Host a yard sale or vend at the Flea Market
  20. Night out to include dinner and dancing at least once every other month or six times a year
  21. Complete my daily bible reading (read the entire bible in 1 year – start date doesn’t matter)
  22. Get back in my Dr. Oz finale dress
  23. Get back in my weight loss photo shoot romper (size 10)
  24. Host my Vision Board party to the women at my church (moving from behind the scenes to a presenter)
  25. Re-join the choir at church
  26. Visit Chicago (hopefully for Taste of Chicago)
  27. Attend the Cherry Blossom Festival (April 13, 2013) – Washington, D.C.
  28. Attend Broad Appetite – Richmond, VA
  29. Attend Spa Week AGAIN  - Red Door Spa
  30. Attend Restaurant Week – Restaurant that I’ve never frequented
  31. Start saving change and see how much it can amount to by my 40th birthday.  Cashing it in monthly and depositing it into an interest bearing account
  32. Start back couponing on a bi-weekly basis with no less than 4 papers each time (this is the minimum would love to coupon weekly)
  33. Create a stock pile of non perishables (toilet paper, paper towels, detergents, cleaning products, toothpaste, etc.)
  34. Plant a spring, summer and winter garden
  35. Accept at least 2 paid event planning gigs to keep my skills fresh and stay on top of what’s relevant
  36. Attend at least 3 networking events each year whether they are for career, hobby or learning to increase my rooster of resources
  37. Monetize some of my hobbies to help fund my debt repayment plan and fund some of these activities
  38. NYC weekend to include Statue of Liberty, Dylan’s candy bar, good cheap food and knock off handbags
  39. To own a pair of Tory Burch ballet flats (so out of my budget and even on sale don’t fit into my shopping mantra of “not on sale, not on me") but a must have!
  40. Weekend at the Gaylord in National Harbor

40 by 40 update
